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COMM 1. Introduction to Communication. 5 Units.

Our world is being transformed by media technologies that change how we interact with one another and perceived the world around us. These changes are all rooted in communication practices, and their consequences touch on almost all aspects of life. In COMM 1 we will examine the effects of media technologies on psychological life, on industry, and on communities local and global through theorizing and demonstrations and critiques of a wide range of communication products and services.

COMM 100S. Introduction to Digital Labor. 3 Units.

Digital technologies have had a profound influence on our economy, the ways we communicate, and the ways in which we work. This course will provide a lens through which to understand digital labor and digital work today. We will explore the ideological and cultural values of Silicon Valley and their role in shaping the new business models of the Internet Age (such as crowdsourcing, the sharing economy, and humans-as-a-service). We will examine the past, present, and future of mechanisms of workplace control (from clocks to algorithmic management) and the implications of the digital turn on spatial and material dimensions of labor. Finally, we will turn our attention toward possible futures of work, given the increasing presence of automation and artificial intelligence in the workplace. By engaging with social scientific analyses and popular media, students will leave the course with a greater appreciation of worker perspectives and challenges in the digital era.

COMM 102S. Technology and Inequality. 3 Units.

This course will provide an introduction to information inequalities arising in the digital era. By working through various literature in media such as media economics and digital divide, we will explore how content personalization via the algorithms could reproduce or amplify long-standing inequalities in race, class, and gender. This course also functions as an introduction to entry-level data science whereby you develop basic programming skills (Python) and apply them to your group project. By the end of the course, you will have developed skills to think critically of technology¿s impact on our democracy and to present evidence-based analysis of your research interests. No prior programming experience is necessary to take this class.

COMM 104W. Reporting, Writing, and Understanding the News. 5 Units.

Techniques of news reporting and writing. The value and role of news in democratic societies. Gateway class to journalism. Prerequisite for all COMM 177/277 classes. Limited enrollment. Preference to COMM majors.

COMM 105S. Dynamics of Social Media. 3 Units.

This course provides an introduction to understanding media and its role in human behavior and society. The course will begin by discussing the factors that inform and shape the communication process. We will examine the interpersonal and psychological aspects of communication with social media, including impression formation, group dynamics, relationships, deception/trust and well-being, culminating in a final project that applies theories from social psychology and communication to modern phenomena in social media.

COMM 106. Communication Research Methods. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 206.) Conceptual and practical concerns underlying commonly used quantitative approaches, including experimental, survey, content analysis, and field research in communication. Pre- or corequisite: STATS 60 or consent of instructor. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Same as: COMM 206

COMM 107S. Media, Culture, and the Politics of Gender. 3 Units.

This course aims to provide a survey of various media and their role in the discursive construction of gender in and through culture. The first three weeks serve as an introduction to the historical and sociopolitical dimensions of gender, its intersection with media, and theoretical approaches to understanding it and political approaches to challenging it. Beginning with historical constructions of the gender binary, Foucault's Herculine Barbin - an unearthed diary of a French hermaphrodite who lived an adolescent life in a Catholic orphanage for girls from about 1860-1870, is reclassified as a man, and commits suicide - provides a provocative look at the historical construction of gender binaries. nnnThe remainder of the course then tackles a range of media and examples of how they portray gender as well as examples of how they may be used to subvert oppressive gender roles or binaries, focusing on: the novel, film, music videos, news, and social media. Far from exhaustive, the readings and the topics covered are to provide a better, broader, but still-limited understanding of how media and culture construct gender, and how this also dramatically impacts the lives of queer and gender nonconforming individuals. For this reason, while the course does deal extensively with notions of masculinity, sexualization and objectification of, or the effects of sexism on, cisgendered women, a heavy focus of the course across many topics is on transgender individuals in media. These individuals, like Herculine in her time, unsettle this simplistic opposition through their very being and representation in public.

COMM 108. Media Processes and Effects. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 208.) The process of communication theory construction including a survey of social science paradigms and major theories of communication. Recommended: 1 or PSYCH 1.
Same as: COMM 208

COMM 112S. Welcome to Cyberspace: An Introduction to the Internet. 3 Units.

In this introductory-level class we will investigate the Internet as a material technology created in a specific historical and cultural context and explore how its architecture has shaped the ways we work, think, and relate to each other in 2018. First, we will learn what the Internet is, how it works, and why it came to be. Next, by working through a variety of historical and analytical texts, we will examine the reality and mythologies of cyberspace. Key areas of interest include economics, law, and how people use the Internet to connect. Over the course of the quarter, you will gain skills to think critically and analytically about issues related to the Internet in today's world and articulate your own positions on them.

COMM 114S. Propaganda, Misinformation, and Disinformation. 3 Units.

This course will examine the concepts of propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation, primarily in the political sphere. The first part of the course will explore varying definitions of these concepts and how political actors have manipulated information to support their political aims in totalitarian, authoritarian, and democratic contexts. The second part of the course will examine how reliance on digital media has altered the landscape for political manipulation and current efforts to combat these phenomena. In addition to lectures, students will engage in class discussion and group work.

COMM 115S. Introduction to Augmented Reality. 3 Units.

Augmented reality is a medium which allows people to overlay digital objects, people, and information onto the real world. The technology is being developed urgently by most large technology companies including Apple, Google, and Facebook. This course will discuss the social science theories which are relevant to AR, the engineering challenges both in terms of hardware and software, and the potential applications and downsides of the medium.

COMM 116. Journalism Law. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for 216.) Laws and regulation impacting journalists. Topics include libel, privacy, news gathering, protection sources, fair trial and free press, theories of the First Amendment, and broadcast regulation. Prerequisite: Journalism M.A. student or advanced Communication major. Preference for enrollment in COMM 116 will be: Communications Majors and Co-Terms, then Seniors from other disciplines. Total enrollment in COMM 116/216 combined will be limited to 20.
Same as: COMM 216

COMM 120W. The Rise of Digital Culture. 4-5 Units.

From Snapchat to artificial intelligence, digital systems are reshaping our jobs, our democracies, our love lives, and even what it means to be human. But where did these media come from? And what kind of culture are they creating? To answer these questions, this course explores the entwined development of digital technologies and post-industrial ways of living and working from the Cold War to the present. Topics will include the historical origins of digital media, cultural contexts of their deployment and use, and the influence of digital media on conceptions of self, community, and state. Priority to juniors, seniors, and graduate students.
Same as: AMSTUD 120, COMM 220

COMM 124. Truth, Trust, and Tech. 4-5 Units.

Deception is one of the most significant and pervasive social phenomena of our age. Lies range from the trivial to the very serious, including deception between friends and family, in the workplace, and in security and intelligence contexts. At the same time, information and communication technologies have pervaded almost all aspects of human communication, from everyday technologies that support interpersonal interactions to, such as email and instant messaging, to more sophisticated systems that support organization-level interactions. Given the prevalence of both deception and communication technology in our personal and professional lives, an important set of questions have recently emerged about how humans adapt their deceptive practices to new communication and information technologies, including how communication technology affects the practice of lying and the detection of deception, and whether technology can be used to identify deception.
Same as: COMM 224

COMM 125. Perspectives on American Journalism. 4-5 Units.

An examination of American journalism, focusing on how news is produced, distributed, and financially supported. Emphasis on current media controversies and puzzles, and on designing innovations in discovering and telling stories. (Graduate students register for COMM 225.).
Same as: AMSTUD 125, COMM 225

COMM 135. Deliberative Democracy and its Critics. 3-5 Units.

This course examines the theory and practice of deliberative democracy and engages both in a dialogue with critics. Can a democracy which emphasizes people thinking and talking together on the basis of good information be made practical in the modern age? What kinds of distortions arise when people try to discuss politics or policy together? The course draws on ideas of deliberation from Madison and Mill to Rawls and Habermas as well as criticisms from the jury literature, from the psychology of group processes and from the most recent normative and empirical literature on deliberative forums. Deliberative Polling, its applications, defenders and critics, both normative and empirical, will provide a key case for discussion.
Same as: AMSTUD 135, COMM 235, COMM 335, ETHICSOC 135F, POLISCI 234P, POLISCI 334P

COMM 137W. The Dialogue of Democracy. 4-5 Units.

All forms of democracy require some kind of communication so people can be aware of issues and make decisions. This course looks at competing visions of what democracy should be and different notions of the role of dialogue in a democracy. Is it just campaigning or does it include deliberation? Small scale discussions or sound bites on television? Or social media? What is the role of technology in changing our democratic practices, to mobilize, to persuade, to solve public problems? This course will include readings from political theory about democratic ideals - from the American founders to J.S. Mill and the Progressives to Joseph Schumpeter and modern writers skeptical of the public will. It will also include contemporary examinations of the media and the internet to see how those practices are changing and how the ideals can or cannot be realized.
Same as: AMSTUD 137, COMM 237, POLISCI 232T, POLISCI 332T

COMM 138. Deliberative Democracy Practicum: Applying Deliberative Polling. 3-5 Units.

In this course, students will work directly on a real-world deliberative democracy project using the method of Deliberative Polling. Students in this course will work in partnership with the Center for Deliberative Democracy at Stanford, a research center devoted to the research in democracy and public opinion around the world. This unique practicum will allow students to work on an actual Deliberative Polling project on campus. In just one quarter, the students will prepare for, implement, and analyze the results for an Deliberative Polling project. This is a unique opportunity that allows students to take part in the entire process of a deliberative democracy project. Through this practicum, students will learn and apply quantitative and qualitative research methods. Students will explore the underlying challenges and complexities of what it means to actually do community-engaged research in the real world. As such, this course will provide students with skills and experience in research design in deliberative democracy, community and stakeholder engagement, and the practical aspects of working in local communities. This practicum is a collaboration between the Center for Deliberative Democracy and the Haas Center for Public Service. CDD website:; Hass Center website:
Same as: COMM 238

COMM 142W. Media Economics. 4-5 Units.

Uses economics to examine the generation and consumption of information in communication markets. Covers concepts that play a large role in information economics, including public goods, economies of scale, product differentiation, and externalities. Looks at individuals' information demands as consumers, producers, audience members, and voters. Topics include economics of Internet, sustainability of accountability journalism, and marketplace of ideas.
Same as: COMM 242

COMM 143W. Communication Policy and Regulation. 4-5 Units.

Focuses on the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies affecting communication markets. Policy issues include universal service, digital divide, Internet regulation, intellectual property, privacy, television violence, content diversity, media ownership, antitrust, and impact of news on government accountability. Examines political economy of communication policy and the evolution of policies across time.
Same as: COMM 243

COMM 145. Personality and Digital Media. 4-5 Units.

Personality describes people's characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. This course will introduce students to the ways personality is expressed in digital devices (e.g., computers, smartphones) and platforms (e.g., social networks, virtual worlds). Readings and lectures will introduce students to theories of personality, the practice of assessing personality, and the broader societal implications of having mediated personalities. Course assignments will require students to apply the course concepts to explore personality expression in various digitally mediated contexts.
Same as: COMM 245

COMM 148. Conversations on Journalism, Identity, and Social Justice. 1 Unit.

In this one-credit seminar, students will learn from U.S. journalists who are on the front lines of covering social justice and identity at a pivotal time in American history. The speakers will include JSK Community Impact Fellows, diverse journalists who are working to address information gaps in their communities, especially underserved communities of color. Students will be active participants in the conversations and express their thoughts in written reflections. Instructors will be Michael Bolden, R.B. Brenner, and Dawn Garcia.
Same as: COMM 248

COMM 151. The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech and Press. 4-5 Units.

The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech and Press (7084): Introduction to the constitutional protections for freedom of speech, press, and expressive association. All the major Supreme Court cases dealing with issues such as incitement, libel, hate speech, obscenity, commercial speech, and campaign finance. There are no prerequisites, but a basic understanding of American government would be useful. This course is crosslisted in the university and undergraduates are eligible to take it. Elements used in grading: Law students will be evaluated based on class participation and a final exam. Non-law students will be evaluated on class participation, a midterm and final exam, and nonlaw students will participate in a moot court on a hypothetical case. Non-law students will also have an additional one hour discussion section each week led by a teaching assistant. Cross-listed with Communication (COMM 151, COMM 251) and Political Science (POLISCI 125P). nnnClass time will be 11:10-12:40 on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Same as: COMM 251, ETHICSOC 151, POLISCI 125P

COMM 152. Constitutional Law. 3 Units.

This course covers Supreme Court case law concerning governmental powers, equal protection, and certain fundamental rights. The course investigates the constitutional foundation for democratic participation in the United States, covering topics such as the Fourteenth Amendment's protections against discrimination on grounds of race, gender, and other classifications, as well as the individual rights to voting and intimate association, and an introduction to First Amendment rights of free speech and press. Students will be evaluated on class participation, a midterm moot court with both a written and oral component, and a take-home final exam. Lectures will be twice per week and a discussion section once per week.
Same as: COMM 252, POLISCI 126P

COMM 153. Political Campaigning in the Internet Age. 3 Units.

This course will acquaint students with the changing environment for campaigns posed by the rise of the Internet. So much of the traditional way analysts have understood campaigns has revolved around television as the primary mode of campaign communication. The rise of the Internet, nonlinear television programming, and mobile communication enables new forms of campaigning. This course will examine the relevant social science on these topics, while at the same time bringing in guest lecturers from industry, campaigns, and media. Requirements: Students will be required to complete a 25 page research paper on a topic relevant to the course.
Same as: COMM 253

COMM 153A. Policy, Politics and the 2020 Elections: What 2020 Means for Future Campaigns and Elections. 2 Units.

(Same as LAW 7057). This course looks back at the 2020 election campaign and tries to discern lessons and takeaways for future campaigns and elections. It will provide students with a behind-the-scenes understanding of how campaigns work. Each week, we will explore a different topic related to high-profile campaigns -- policy formation, communications, grassroots strategy, digital outreach, campaign finance -- and feature prominent guest speakers who have served and will serve in senior roles on both Democratic and Republican campaigns, including the Trump and Biden teams.
Same as: COMM 253A, POLISCI 72, PUBLPOL 146, PUBLPOL 246

COMM 153B. Free Speech, Democracy and the Internet. 2-3 Units.

Crosslisted with LAW 7082. This course, which will be cotaught by Monika Bickert from Facebook, will cover contemporary challenges to democracy presented by the Internet. Topics will include disinformation, polarization, hate speech, media transformation, election integrity, and legal regulation of internet platforms in the U.S. and abroad. Guest speakers from academia and industry will present on these topics in each class session, followed by a discussion. Students will be responsible for one-page papers each week on the readings and a research paper to be turned in at the fall paper deadline. Students can take the class for either 2 or 3 units, depending on the research paper length. This class is crosslisted in the university and undergraduates are eligible to take it. Elements used in grading: Attendance, Class Participation, Written Assignments, Final Paper.
Same as: COMM 253B

COMM 154. The Politics of Algorithms. 4-5 Units.

Algorithms have become central actors in today's digital world. In areas as diverse as social media, journalism, education, healthcare, and policing, computing technologies increasingly mediate communication processes. This course will provide an introduction to the social and cultural forces shaping the construction, institutionalization, and uses of algorithms. In so doing, we will explore how algorithms relate to political issues of modernization, power, and inequality. Readings will range from social scientific analyses to media coverage of ongoing controversies relating to Big Data. Students will leave the course with a better appreciation of the broader challenges associated with researching, building, and using algorithms.
Same as: COMM 254, CSRE 154T, SOC 154, SOC 254C

COMM 157. Information Control in Authoritarian Regimes. 4-5 Units.

Does information help autocrats and dictators stay in power? Or does information help topple authoritarian regimes? This course will examine how authoritarian regimes try to control information through surveillance, propaganda, and censorship, what influences the effectiveness of these information control measures, and how changes in technology (Internet, social media, mobile) affect the dynamics of information control.
Same as: COMM 257, COMM 357

COMM 158. Censorship and Propaganda. 4-5 Units.

While the internet and other digital technologies have amplified the voice of ordinary citizens, the power of governments and other large organizations to control and to manipulate information is increasingly apparent. In this course, we will examine censorship and propaganda in the age of the internet and social media. What constitutes censorship and propaganda in the digital age? Who conducts censorship and propaganda, and how? What are the consequences and effects of censorship and propaganda in this era of information proliferation? How have censorship and propaganda changed from previous eras? Students will take a hands-on, project-based approach to exploring these questions.
Same as: COMM 258

COMM 162. Campaigns, Voting, Media, and Elections. 4-5 Units.

This course examines the theory and practice of American campaigns and elections. First, we will attempt to explain the behavior of the key players -- candidates, parties, journalists, and voters -- in terms of the institutional arrangements and political incentives that confront them. Second, we will use current and recent election campaigns as "laboratories" for testing generalizations about campaign strategy and voter behavior. Third, we examine selections from the academic literature dealing with the origins of partisan identity, electoral design, and the immediate effects of campaigns on public opinion, voter turnout, and voter choice. As well, we'll explore issues of electoral reform and their more long-term consequences for governance and the political process.
Same as: COMM 262, POLISCI 120B

COMM 164. The Psychology of Communication About Politics in America. 4-5 Units.

Focus is on how politicians and government learn what Americans want and how the public's preferences shape government action; how surveys measure beliefs, preferences, and experiences; how poll results are criticized and interpreted; how conflict between polls is viewed by the public; how accurate surveys are and when they are accurate; how to conduct survey research to produce accurate measurements; designing questionnaires that people can understand and use comfortably; how question wording can manipulate poll results; corruption in survey research.
Same as: COMM 264, POLISCI 124L, POLISCI 324L, PSYCH 170

COMM 166. Virtual People. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 266.) The concept of virtual people or digital human representations; methods of constructing and using virtual people; methodological approaches to interactions with and among virtual people; and current applications. Viewpoints including popular culture, literature, film, engineering, behavioral science, computer science, and communication.
Same as: COMM 266

COMM 171. Moving Pictures: Video Journalism for Mobile and Social Platforms. 3-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for 271.) Examine video journalism's crucial role in digital news media across mobile and social media platforms. What are the specific needs of mobile platforms? How is new technology utilized to produce effective video news content? We'll examine case studies and hear from guest speakers about innovations in video journalism. Students produce short video journalism pieces using mobile tools, optimized for viewing on mobile devices. Prerequisite: COMM 104 or prior video journalism experience (contact instructor); Journalism MA student; or instructor's consent.
Same as: COMM 271

COMM 172. Media Psychology. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 272.) The literature related to psychological processing and the effects of media. Topics: unconscious processing; picture perception; attention and memory; emotion; the physiology of processing media; person perception; pornography; consumer behavior; advanced film and television systems; and differences among reading, watching, and listening.
Same as: COMM 272

COMM 173E. Data Challenge Lab. 3-5 Units.

In this lab, students develop the practical skills of data science by solving a series of increasingly difficult, real problems. Skills developed include: data manipulation, data visualization, exploratory data analysis, and basic modeling. The data challenges each student undertakes are based upon their current skills. Students receive one-on-one coaching and see how expert practitioners solve the same challenges. Limited enrollment; application required. See for more information.
Same as: ENGR 150

COMM 176. Advanced Digital Media Journalism. 4-5 Units.

In-depth reporting and production using audio, images and video. Focus on an in-depth journalism project with appropriate uses of digital media: audio, photography, graphics, and video. Topics include advanced field techniques and approaches (audio, video, still) and emphasis on creating a non-fiction narrative arc in a multimedia piece of 10-12 minutes. Prerequisite: COMM 275 or consent of instructor.
Same as: COMM 276

COMM 177B. Big Local Journalism: a project-based class. 4-5 Units.

This class will tackle data-driven journalism, in collaboration with other academic and journalistic partners.nnThe class is centered around one or more projects rooted in local data-driven journalism but with potential for regional or national journalistic stories and impact. Students work in interdisciplinary teams to negotiate for public records and data, analyze data and report out stories. Some of the work may be published by news organizations or may be used to advance data journalism projects focused on public accountability. Students will gain valuable knowledge and skills in how to negotiate for public records, how to critically analyze data for journalistic purpose and build out reporting and writing skills. Students with a background in journalism (especially data journalism), statistics, computer science, law, or public policy are encouraged to participate. Enrollment is limited. Prerequisite: consent of instructor . May be repeated for credit. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Same as: COMM 277B

COMM 177C. Specialized Writing and Reporting: Health and Science Journalism. 4-5 Units.

Practical, collaborative, writing-intensive advanced journalistic reporting and writing course in the specific practices and standards of health and science journalism. Science and journalism students learn how to identify and write engaging stories about medicine, global health, science, and related environmental issues; how to assess the quality and relevance of science news; how to cover the health and science beats effectively and efficiently; and how to build bridges between the worlds of journalism and science. Instructed Winter Quarter 2019 by Dr. Seema Yasmin, nnnLimited enrollment: preference to students enrolled in or considering the Earth Systems Master of Arts, Environmental Communication Program and the Graduate Journalism Program. Prerequisite: EARTHSYS 191/291, COMM 104W, or consent of instructor. Admission by application only, available from (Meets Earth Systems WIM requirement.).
Same as: COMM 277C, EARTHSYS 177C, EARTHSYS 277C

COMM 177D. Specialized Writing and Reporting: Narrative Journalism. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 277D.) How to report, write, edit, and read long-form narrative nonfiction, whether for magazines, news sites or online venues. Tools and templates of story telling such as scenes, characters, dialogue, and narrative arc. How the best long-form narrative stories defy or subvert conventional wisdom and bring fresh light to the human experience through reporting, writing, and moral passion. Prerequisite: 104 or consent of instructor.
Same as: COMM 277D

COMM 177E. Specialized Writing and Reporting: Telling True Stories. 4-5 Units.

Whether covering news, culture or sports, journalism feature writers combine factual reporting with vivid storytelling in a variety of forms -- from profiles to essays to narratives. In a course designed as a writer's workshop, students will learn to think, report and write in scenes; to write from the point of view of one or more subjects; to report with a heightened sense of observation; and to focus on the most telling details in a story. Prerequisite: COMM 104W or consent of instructor.
Same as: COMM 277E

COMM 177I. Investigative Watchdog Reporting. 4-5 Units.

Graduate students register for COMM 277I.) Learn how to apply an investigative and data mindset to journalism, from understanding how to background an individual or entity using online databases to compiling or combining disparate sets of information in ways that unveil wrongdoing or mismanagement. Focuses on mining texts, tracking associations, and using visualizations. Stories produced apply investigative techniques to beat reporting, breaking news, and long form journalism. Instructor permission required for freshmen and sophomores.
Same as: COMM 277I

COMM 177P. Programming in Journalism. 4-5 Units.

This course introduces general purpose programming skills commonly used in the news. Students will gain basic proficiency in the Unix shell and Python programming while practicing skills such as web scraping, acquiring data from public APIs, cleaning and transforming data, and working with spreadsheets and databases. Automation and reproducibility will be important themes in the course. Exercises and projects will focus on helping students understand the nuances of obtaining and preparing data for use in data analysis and web applications for the news. Students must have basic SQL skills for this course.
Same as: COMM 277P

COMM 177SW. Specialized Writing and Reporting: Sports Journalism. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 277S.) Workshop. An examination of American sports writing from the 1920's Golden Age of Sports to present. Students become practitioners of the sports writing craft in an intensive laboratory. Hones journalistic skills such as specialized reporting, interviewing, deadline writing, creation of video projects, and conceptualizing and developing stories for print and online.
Same as: COMM 277S

COMM 177T. Building News Applications. 4-5 Units.

This course introduces students to the process of building interactive web applications and visualizations for the news. Students will study examples from the news industry and gain proficiency in a range of technical languages, skills and tools: version control, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, web protocols, and web hosting and deployment. Class exercises and projects will focus on the use of these technologies to produce applications that tell a story and engage the public. Students must have basic proficiency in Python, SQL and the Unix shell.
Same as: COMM 277T

COMM 177Y. Specialized Writing and Reporting: Foreign Correspondence. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 277Y.) Study how being a foreign correspondent has evolved and blend new communication tools with clear narrative to tell stories from abroad in a way that engages a diversifying American audience in the digital age. Prerequisite: COMM 104W, COMM 279, or consent of instructor.
Same as: COMM 277Y

COMM 180. Ethics, Public Policy, and Technological Change. 5 Units.

Examination of recent developments in computing technology and platforms through the lenses of philosophy, public policy, social science, and engineering. Course is organized around four main units: algorithmic decision-making and bias; data privacy and civil liberties; artificial intelligence and autonomous systems; and the power of private computing platforms. Each unit considers the promise, perils, rights, and responsibilities at play in technological developments. Prerequisite: CS106A.
Same as: CS 182, ETHICSOC 182, PHIL 82, POLISCI 182, PUBLPOL 182

COMM 184. Race and Media. 4-5 Units.

This course explores the co-construction of media practices and racial identity in the US. We will ask how media have shaped how we think about race. And we will explore the often surprising ways ideas about race have shaped media practices and technologies in turn. The course will draw on contemporary debates as well as historical examples and will cover themes such as representation and visual culture, media industries and audience practices, and racial bias in digital technology.
Same as: COMM 284

COMM 186W. Media, Technology, and the Body. 4-5 Units.

This course considers major themes in the cultural analysis of the body in relation to media technologies. How do media and information technologies shape our understanding of the body and concepts of bodily difference such as race, gender, and disability? We will explore both classic theories and recent scholarship to examine how technologies mediate the body and bodily practices in various domains, from entertainment to engineering, politics to product design.
Same as: COMM 286

COMM 18Q. Democracy & Data. 3 Units.

This course explores the entanglement of democracy with data, from the history of the census and opinion polling, to three contemporary challenges associated with the rise of ¿big data¿: surveillance by corporations and states; algorithmic prediction and decision-making; and information disorder in the digital public sphere. Throughout, we will consider how big data and computational technologies might lead us to rethink central concepts in democratic theory, including consent and freedom; property and (self-)ownership; identity and difference; security, privacy, and the commons. Literature will be drawn from a range of disciplines, including science and technology studies, critical information and media studies, and the history of political thought.

COMM 195. Honors Thesis. 5 Units.

Qualifies students to conduct communication research. Student must apply for department honors thesis program during Spring Quarter of junior year.

COMM 199. Individual Work. 1-5 Unit.

For students with high academic standing. May be repeated for credit.

COMM 1B. Media, Culture, and Society. 5 Units.

The institutions and practices of mass media, including television, film, radio, and digital media, and their role in shaping culture and social life. The media's shifting relationships to politics, commerce, and identity.
Same as: AMSTUD 1B

COMM 206. Communication Research Methods. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 206.) Conceptual and practical concerns underlying commonly used quantitative approaches, including experimental, survey, content analysis, and field research in communication. Pre- or corequisite: STATS 60 or consent of instructor. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Same as: COMM 106

COMM 208. Media Processes and Effects. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 208.) The process of communication theory construction including a survey of social science paradigms and major theories of communication. Recommended: 1 or PSYCH 1.
Same as: COMM 108

COMM 212. Models of Democracy. 3-5 Units.

Ancient and modern varieties of democracy; debates about their normative and practical strengths and the pathologies to which each is subject. Focus is on participation, deliberation, representation, and elite competition, as values and political processes. Formal institutions, political rhetoric, technological change, and philosophical critique. Models tested by reference to long-term historical natural experiments such as Athens and Rome, recent large-scale political experiments such as the British Columbia Citizens' Assembly, and controlled experiments.
Same as: COMM 312

COMM 216. Journalism Law. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for 216.) Laws and regulation impacting journalists. Topics include libel, privacy, news gathering, protection sources, fair trial and free press, theories of the First Amendment, and broadcast regulation. Prerequisite: Journalism M.A. student or advanced Communication major. Preference for enrollment in COMM 116 will be: Communications Majors and Co-Terms, then Seniors from other disciplines. Total enrollment in COMM 116/216 combined will be limited to 20.
Same as: COMM 116

COMM 220. The Rise of Digital Culture. 4-5 Units.

From Snapchat to artificial intelligence, digital systems are reshaping our jobs, our democracies, our love lives, and even what it means to be human. But where did these media come from? And what kind of culture are they creating? To answer these questions, this course explores the entwined development of digital technologies and post-industrial ways of living and working from the Cold War to the present. Topics will include the historical origins of digital media, cultural contexts of their deployment and use, and the influence of digital media on conceptions of self, community, and state. Priority to juniors, seniors, and graduate students.
Same as: AMSTUD 120, COMM 120W

COMM 224. Truth, Trust, and Tech. 4-5 Units.

Deception is one of the most significant and pervasive social phenomena of our age. Lies range from the trivial to the very serious, including deception between friends and family, in the workplace, and in security and intelligence contexts. At the same time, information and communication technologies have pervaded almost all aspects of human communication, from everyday technologies that support interpersonal interactions to, such as email and instant messaging, to more sophisticated systems that support organization-level interactions. Given the prevalence of both deception and communication technology in our personal and professional lives, an important set of questions have recently emerged about how humans adapt their deceptive practices to new communication and information technologies, including how communication technology affects the practice of lying and the detection of deception, and whether technology can be used to identify deception.
Same as: COMM 124

COMM 225. Perspectives on American Journalism. 4-5 Units.

An examination of American journalism, focusing on how news is produced, distributed, and financially supported. Emphasis on current media controversies and puzzles, and on designing innovations in discovering and telling stories. (Graduate students register for COMM 225.).
Same as: AMSTUD 125, COMM 125

COMM 230A. Digital Civil Society. 3 Units.

Digital technologies are changing the way members of the civil society come together to change the world. The 'civil society' includes social movements, grassroots activism, philanthropists, unions, nonprofits, NGOs, charities, and cooperatives, among others. Their mission is to effect important social and political transformations to bring about what they see as a better world. But their work and strategies are subject to significant changes in the digital era. The course will analyze the opportunities and challenges digital technologies present for associational life, free expression, privacy, and collective action. We will cover a wide range of key themes, including digital rights advocacy and racial justice, community-owned networks and de-colonial design, activist resistance to surveillance technologies, algorithmic bias, Black Twitter, and digital misinformation, micro-targeting and voter suppression. The course is global in scope (we will read authors and study cases from America, Europe, Asia, and Africa), taught by a multidisciplinary team (history, communication, computational social science, education), and is committed to a syllabus centering on the scholarship, expertise, and voices of marginalized communities.No prerequisite.
Same as: AFRICAAM 230A, CSRE 230A

COMM 230B. Digital Civil Society. 3 Units.

Digital technologies have fundamentally changed how people come together to make change in the world, a sphere of action commonly called 'civil society'. How did this happen, what's being done about it, and what does it mean for democratic governance and collective action in the future? This course analyzes the opportunities and challenges technology presents to associational life, free expression, individual privacy, and collective action. Year-long seminar sequence for advanced undergraduates or master's students. Each quarter may be taken independently. Winter Quarter focuses on the 2000s and considers the emergence of social media platforms, the rise of mobile connectivity, institutional shifts in journalism, and major developments in intellectual property, state surveillance, and digital activism.

COMM 230C. Digital Civil Society. 3 Units.

Digital technologies have fundamentally changed how people come together to make change in the world, a sphere of action commonly called 'civil society'. How did this happen, what's being done about it, and what does it mean for democratic governance and collective action in the future? This course analyzes the opportunities and challenges technology presents to associational life, free expression, individual privacy, and collective action. Year-long seminar sequence for advanced undergraduates or master's students. Each quarter may be taken independently. Spring focuses on emergent trends related to democracy and associational life, from the 2010s and into the future. Topics include the Arab Spring, global political propaganda, 'born digital' organizations, the development of electronic governments, and biotechnologies.
Same as: CSRE 230C

COMM 230X. Digital Civil Society +1 Series. 1 Unit.

Speaker series examining the history, theory, legal challenges, policy frameworks and economic choices that have shaped digital networks and technologies, and how those technologies have in turn changed the nature and role of civil society in democracies.

COMM 235. Deliberative Democracy and its Critics. 3-5 Units.

This course examines the theory and practice of deliberative democracy and engages both in a dialogue with critics. Can a democracy which emphasizes people thinking and talking together on the basis of good information be made practical in the modern age? What kinds of distortions arise when people try to discuss politics or policy together? The course draws on ideas of deliberation from Madison and Mill to Rawls and Habermas as well as criticisms from the jury literature, from the psychology of group processes and from the most recent normative and empirical literature on deliberative forums. Deliberative Polling, its applications, defenders and critics, both normative and empirical, will provide a key case for discussion.
Same as: AMSTUD 135, COMM 135, COMM 335, ETHICSOC 135F, POLISCI 234P, POLISCI 334P

COMM 237. The Dialogue of Democracy. 4-5 Units.

All forms of democracy require some kind of communication so people can be aware of issues and make decisions. This course looks at competing visions of what democracy should be and different notions of the role of dialogue in a democracy. Is it just campaigning or does it include deliberation? Small scale discussions or sound bites on television? Or social media? What is the role of technology in changing our democratic practices, to mobilize, to persuade, to solve public problems? This course will include readings from political theory about democratic ideals - from the American founders to J.S. Mill and the Progressives to Joseph Schumpeter and modern writers skeptical of the public will. It will also include contemporary examinations of the media and the internet to see how those practices are changing and how the ideals can or cannot be realized.
Same as: AMSTUD 137, COMM 137W, POLISCI 232T, POLISCI 332T

COMM 238. Deliberative Democracy Practicum: Applying Deliberative Polling. 3-5 Units.

In this course, students will work directly on a real-world deliberative democracy project using the method of Deliberative Polling. Students in this course will work in partnership with the Center for Deliberative Democracy at Stanford, a research center devoted to the research in democracy and public opinion around the world. This unique practicum will allow students to work on an actual Deliberative Polling project on campus. In just one quarter, the students will prepare for, implement, and analyze the results for an Deliberative Polling project. This is a unique opportunity that allows students to take part in the entire process of a deliberative democracy project. Through this practicum, students will learn and apply quantitative and qualitative research methods. Students will explore the underlying challenges and complexities of what it means to actually do community-engaged research in the real world. As such, this course will provide students with skills and experience in research design in deliberative democracy, community and stakeholder engagement, and the practical aspects of working in local communities. This practicum is a collaboration between the Center for Deliberative Democracy and the Haas Center for Public Service. CDD website:; Hass Center website:
Same as: COMM 138

COMM 242. Media Economics. 4-5 Units.

Uses economics to examine the generation and consumption of information in communication markets. Covers concepts that play a large role in information economics, including public goods, economies of scale, product differentiation, and externalities. Looks at individuals' information demands as consumers, producers, audience members, and voters. Topics include economics of Internet, sustainability of accountability journalism, and marketplace of ideas.
Same as: COMM 142W

COMM 243. Communication Policy and Regulation. 4-5 Units.

Focuses on the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies affecting communication markets. Policy issues include universal service, digital divide, Internet regulation, intellectual property, privacy, television violence, content diversity, media ownership, antitrust, and impact of news on government accountability. Examines political economy of communication policy and the evolution of policies across time.
Same as: COMM 143W

COMM 245. Personality and Digital Media. 4-5 Units.

Personality describes people's characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. This course will introduce students to the ways personality is expressed in digital devices (e.g., computers, smartphones) and platforms (e.g., social networks, virtual worlds). Readings and lectures will introduce students to theories of personality, the practice of assessing personality, and the broader societal implications of having mediated personalities. Course assignments will require students to apply the course concepts to explore personality expression in various digitally mediated contexts.
Same as: COMM 145

COMM 248. Conversations on Journalism, Identity, and Social Justice. 1 Unit.

In this one-credit seminar, students will learn from U.S. journalists who are on the front lines of covering social justice and identity at a pivotal time in American history. The speakers will include JSK Community Impact Fellows, diverse journalists who are working to address information gaps in their communities, especially underserved communities of color. Students will be active participants in the conversations and express their thoughts in written reflections. Instructors will be Michael Bolden, R.B. Brenner, and Dawn Garcia.
Same as: COMM 148

COMM 251. The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech and Press. 4-5 Units.

The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech and Press (7084): Introduction to the constitutional protections for freedom of speech, press, and expressive association. All the major Supreme Court cases dealing with issues such as incitement, libel, hate speech, obscenity, commercial speech, and campaign finance. There are no prerequisites, but a basic understanding of American government would be useful. This course is crosslisted in the university and undergraduates are eligible to take it. Elements used in grading: Law students will be evaluated based on class participation and a final exam. Non-law students will be evaluated on class participation, a midterm and final exam, and nonlaw students will participate in a moot court on a hypothetical case. Non-law students will also have an additional one hour discussion section each week led by a teaching assistant. Cross-listed with Communication (COMM 151, COMM 251) and Political Science (POLISCI 125P). nnnClass time will be 11:10-12:40 on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Same as: COMM 151, ETHICSOC 151, POLISCI 125P

COMM 252. Constitutional Law. 3 Units.

This course covers Supreme Court case law concerning governmental powers, equal protection, and certain fundamental rights. The course investigates the constitutional foundation for democratic participation in the United States, covering topics such as the Fourteenth Amendment's protections against discrimination on grounds of race, gender, and other classifications, as well as the individual rights to voting and intimate association, and an introduction to First Amendment rights of free speech and press. Students will be evaluated on class participation, a midterm moot court with both a written and oral component, and a take-home final exam. Lectures will be twice per week and a discussion section once per week.
Same as: COMM 152, POLISCI 126P

COMM 253. Political Campaigning in the Internet Age. 3 Units.

This course will acquaint students with the changing environment for campaigns posed by the rise of the Internet. So much of the traditional way analysts have understood campaigns has revolved around television as the primary mode of campaign communication. The rise of the Internet, nonlinear television programming, and mobile communication enables new forms of campaigning. This course will examine the relevant social science on these topics, while at the same time bringing in guest lecturers from industry, campaigns, and media. Requirements: Students will be required to complete a 25 page research paper on a topic relevant to the course.
Same as: COMM 153

COMM 253A. Policy, Politics and the 2020 Elections: What 2020 Means for Future Campaigns and Elections. 2 Units.

(Same as LAW 7057). This course looks back at the 2020 election campaign and tries to discern lessons and takeaways for future campaigns and elections. It will provide students with a behind-the-scenes understanding of how campaigns work. Each week, we will explore a different topic related to high-profile campaigns -- policy formation, communications, grassroots strategy, digital outreach, campaign finance -- and feature prominent guest speakers who have served and will serve in senior roles on both Democratic and Republican campaigns, including the Trump and Biden teams.
Same as: COMM 153A, POLISCI 72, PUBLPOL 146, PUBLPOL 246

COMM 253B. Free Speech, Democracy and the Internet. 2-3 Units.

Crosslisted with LAW 7082. This course, which will be cotaught by Monika Bickert from Facebook, will cover contemporary challenges to democracy presented by the Internet. Topics will include disinformation, polarization, hate speech, media transformation, election integrity, and legal regulation of internet platforms in the U.S. and abroad. Guest speakers from academia and industry will present on these topics in each class session, followed by a discussion. Students will be responsible for one-page papers each week on the readings and a research paper to be turned in at the fall paper deadline. Students can take the class for either 2 or 3 units, depending on the research paper length. This class is crosslisted in the university and undergraduates are eligible to take it. Elements used in grading: Attendance, Class Participation, Written Assignments, Final Paper.
Same as: COMM 153B

COMM 254. The Politics of Algorithms. 4-5 Units.

Algorithms have become central actors in today's digital world. In areas as diverse as social media, journalism, education, healthcare, and policing, computing technologies increasingly mediate communication processes. This course will provide an introduction to the social and cultural forces shaping the construction, institutionalization, and uses of algorithms. In so doing, we will explore how algorithms relate to political issues of modernization, power, and inequality. Readings will range from social scientific analyses to media coverage of ongoing controversies relating to Big Data. Students will leave the course with a better appreciation of the broader challenges associated with researching, building, and using algorithms.
Same as: COMM 154, CSRE 154T, SOC 154, SOC 254C

COMM 257. Information Control in Authoritarian Regimes. 4-5 Units.

Does information help autocrats and dictators stay in power? Or does information help topple authoritarian regimes? This course will examine how authoritarian regimes try to control information through surveillance, propaganda, and censorship, what influences the effectiveness of these information control measures, and how changes in technology (Internet, social media, mobile) affect the dynamics of information control.
Same as: COMM 157, COMM 357

COMM 258. Censorship and Propaganda. 4-5 Units.

While the internet and other digital technologies have amplified the voice of ordinary citizens, the power of governments and other large organizations to control and to manipulate information is increasingly apparent. In this course, we will examine censorship and propaganda in the age of the internet and social media. What constitutes censorship and propaganda in the digital age? Who conducts censorship and propaganda, and how? What are the consequences and effects of censorship and propaganda in this era of information proliferation? How have censorship and propaganda changed from previous eras? Students will take a hands-on, project-based approach to exploring these questions.
Same as: COMM 158

COMM 262. Campaigns, Voting, Media, and Elections. 4-5 Units.

This course examines the theory and practice of American campaigns and elections. First, we will attempt to explain the behavior of the key players -- candidates, parties, journalists, and voters -- in terms of the institutional arrangements and political incentives that confront them. Second, we will use current and recent election campaigns as "laboratories" for testing generalizations about campaign strategy and voter behavior. Third, we examine selections from the academic literature dealing with the origins of partisan identity, electoral design, and the immediate effects of campaigns on public opinion, voter turnout, and voter choice. As well, we'll explore issues of electoral reform and their more long-term consequences for governance and the political process.
Same as: COMM 162, POLISCI 120B

COMM 264. The Psychology of Communication About Politics in America. 4-5 Units.

Focus is on how politicians and government learn what Americans want and how the public's preferences shape government action; how surveys measure beliefs, preferences, and experiences; how poll results are criticized and interpreted; how conflict between polls is viewed by the public; how accurate surveys are and when they are accurate; how to conduct survey research to produce accurate measurements; designing questionnaires that people can understand and use comfortably; how question wording can manipulate poll results; corruption in survey research.
Same as: COMM 164, POLISCI 124L, POLISCI 324L, PSYCH 170

COMM 266. Virtual People. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 266.) The concept of virtual people or digital human representations; methods of constructing and using virtual people; methodological approaches to interactions with and among virtual people; and current applications. Viewpoints including popular culture, literature, film, engineering, behavioral science, computer science, and communication.
Same as: COMM 166

COMM 271. Moving Pictures: Video Journalism for Mobile and Social Platforms. 3-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for 271.) Examine video journalism's crucial role in digital news media across mobile and social media platforms. What are the specific needs of mobile platforms? How is new technology utilized to produce effective video news content? We'll examine case studies and hear from guest speakers about innovations in video journalism. Students produce short video journalism pieces using mobile tools, optimized for viewing on mobile devices. Prerequisite: COMM 104 or prior video journalism experience (contact instructor); Journalism MA student; or instructor's consent.
Same as: COMM 171

COMM 272. Media Psychology. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 272.) The literature related to psychological processing and the effects of media. Topics: unconscious processing; picture perception; attention and memory; emotion; the physiology of processing media; person perception; pornography; consumer behavior; advanced film and television systems; and differences among reading, watching, and listening.
Same as: COMM 172

COMM 273D. Public Affairs Data Journalism I. 4 Units.

Even before the ubiquity of Internet access and high-powered computers, public accountability reporting relied on the concerted collection of observations and analytical problem-solving. We study the methods, and the data, used to discover leads and conduct in-depth reporting on public affairs, including election finance and safety regulations. Students gain practical experience with the digital tools and techniques of computer-assisted reporting. Prerequisite: Only open to Journalism M.A. students.

COMM 274D. Public Affairs Data Journalism II. 4 Units.

Learn how to find, create and analyze data to tell news stories with public service impact. Uses relational databases, advanced queries, basic statistics, and mapping to analyze data for storytelling. Assignments may include stories, blog posts, and data visualizations, with at least one in-depth project based on data analysis. Prerequisites: COMM 273D or Journalism M.A. student.

COMM 275. Multimedia Storytelling: Reporting and Production Using Audio, Still Images, and Video. 3-4 Units.

Multimedia assignments coordinated with deadline reporting efforts in COMM 273 from traditional news beats using audio, still photography, and video. Use of digital audio recorders and audio production to leverage voice-over narration, interviews, and natural sound; use of digital still cameras and audio to produce audio slideshows; and the combination of these media with video in post-production with Final Cut Pro. Prerequisite: Only open to Journalism M.A. students. Corequisite: COMM 273.

COMM 276. Advanced Digital Media Journalism. 4-5 Units.

In-depth reporting and production using audio, images and video. Focus on an in-depth journalism project with appropriate uses of digital media: audio, photography, graphics, and video. Topics include advanced field techniques and approaches (audio, video, still) and emphasis on creating a non-fiction narrative arc in a multimedia piece of 10-12 minutes. Prerequisite: COMM 275 or consent of instructor.
Same as: COMM 176

COMM 277B. Big Local Journalism: a project-based class. 4-5 Units.

This class will tackle data-driven journalism, in collaboration with other academic and journalistic partners.nnThe class is centered around one or more projects rooted in local data-driven journalism but with potential for regional or national journalistic stories and impact. Students work in interdisciplinary teams to negotiate for public records and data, analyze data and report out stories. Some of the work may be published by news organizations or may be used to advance data journalism projects focused on public accountability. Students will gain valuable knowledge and skills in how to negotiate for public records, how to critically analyze data for journalistic purpose and build out reporting and writing skills. Students with a background in journalism (especially data journalism), statistics, computer science, law, or public policy are encouraged to participate. Enrollment is limited. Prerequisite: consent of instructor . May be repeated for credit. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Same as: COMM 177B

COMM 277C. Specialized Writing and Reporting: Health and Science Journalism. 4-5 Units.

Practical, collaborative, writing-intensive advanced journalistic reporting and writing course in the specific practices and standards of health and science journalism. Science and journalism students learn how to identify and write engaging stories about medicine, global health, science, and related environmental issues; how to assess the quality and relevance of science news; how to cover the health and science beats effectively and efficiently; and how to build bridges between the worlds of journalism and science. Instructed Winter Quarter 2019 by Dr. Seema Yasmin, nnnLimited enrollment: preference to students enrolled in or considering the Earth Systems Master of Arts, Environmental Communication Program and the Graduate Journalism Program. Prerequisite: EARTHSYS 191/291, COMM 104W, or consent of instructor. Admission by application only, available from (Meets Earth Systems WIM requirement.).
Same as: COMM 177C, EARTHSYS 177C, EARTHSYS 277C

COMM 277D. Specialized Writing and Reporting: Narrative Journalism. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 277D.) How to report, write, edit, and read long-form narrative nonfiction, whether for magazines, news sites or online venues. Tools and templates of story telling such as scenes, characters, dialogue, and narrative arc. How the best long-form narrative stories defy or subvert conventional wisdom and bring fresh light to the human experience through reporting, writing, and moral passion. Prerequisite: 104 or consent of instructor.
Same as: COMM 177D

COMM 277E. Specialized Writing and Reporting: Telling True Stories. 4-5 Units.

Whether covering news, culture or sports, journalism feature writers combine factual reporting with vivid storytelling in a variety of forms -- from profiles to essays to narratives. In a course designed as a writer's workshop, students will learn to think, report and write in scenes; to write from the point of view of one or more subjects; to report with a heightened sense of observation; and to focus on the most telling details in a story. Prerequisite: COMM 104W or consent of instructor.
Same as: COMM 177E

COMM 277I. Investigative Watchdog Reporting. 4-5 Units.

Graduate students register for COMM 277I.) Learn how to apply an investigative and data mindset to journalism, from understanding how to background an individual or entity using online databases to compiling or combining disparate sets of information in ways that unveil wrongdoing or mismanagement. Focuses on mining texts, tracking associations, and using visualizations. Stories produced apply investigative techniques to beat reporting, breaking news, and long form journalism. Instructor permission required for freshmen and sophomores.
Same as: COMM 177I

COMM 277P. Programming in Journalism. 4-5 Units.

This course introduces general purpose programming skills commonly used in the news. Students will gain basic proficiency in the Unix shell and Python programming while practicing skills such as web scraping, acquiring data from public APIs, cleaning and transforming data, and working with spreadsheets and databases. Automation and reproducibility will be important themes in the course. Exercises and projects will focus on helping students understand the nuances of obtaining and preparing data for use in data analysis and web applications for the news. Students must have basic SQL skills for this course.
Same as: COMM 177P

COMM 277S. Specialized Writing and Reporting: Sports Journalism. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 277S.) Workshop. An examination of American sports writing from the 1920's Golden Age of Sports to present. Students become practitioners of the sports writing craft in an intensive laboratory. Hones journalistic skills such as specialized reporting, interviewing, deadline writing, creation of video projects, and conceptualizing and developing stories for print and online.
Same as: COMM 177SW

COMM 277T. Building News Applications. 4-5 Units.

This course introduces students to the process of building interactive web applications and visualizations for the news. Students will study examples from the news industry and gain proficiency in a range of technical languages, skills and tools: version control, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, web protocols, and web hosting and deployment. Class exercises and projects will focus on the use of these technologies to produce applications that tell a story and engage the public. Students must have basic proficiency in Python, SQL and the Unix shell.
Same as: COMM 177T

COMM 277Y. Specialized Writing and Reporting: Foreign Correspondence. 4-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for COMM 277Y.) Study how being a foreign correspondent has evolved and blend new communication tools with clear narrative to tell stories from abroad in a way that engages a diversifying American audience in the digital age. Prerequisite: COMM 104W, COMM 279, or consent of instructor.
Same as: COMM 177Y

COMM 279. News Reporting & Writing Fundamentals. 3-4 Units.

Learn beat reporting and writing skills including source development, interviewing, and story structure for news and features. Emphasis on developing news judgment, clear writing skills, and an ability to execute stories on deadline. Exercises and assignments mimic a newsroom. Students pursue local beats with a focus on public issues and complement written pieces with relevant data analyses and multimedia components. Prerequisite: Only open to Journalism M.A. students. Corequisite: COMM 275.

COMM 280. Immersive (VR/AR) Journalism in the Public Sphere. 4 Units.

The immersive space (cinematic VR, virtual reality, and augmented reality) is journalism's newest and most exciting reporting and storytelling tool. We survey best practices and methods in this emerging medium and learn 360-degree video production and postproduction. Teams will illuminate issues and provoke conversation in the public sphere. Prerequisite: Preference to Journalism M.A. students. Please contact instructor for permission number to enroll.

COMM 281. Exploring Computational Journalism. 3 Units.

This project-based course will explore the field of computational journalism, including the use of Data Science, Info Visualization, AI, and emerging technologies to help journalists discover and tell stories, understand their audience, advance free speech, and build trust. Please apply by Jan 15, 2021 at
Same as: CS 206

COMM 284. Race and Media. 4-5 Units.

This course explores the co-construction of media practices and racial identity in the US. We will ask how media have shaped how we think about race. And we will explore the often surprising ways ideas about race have shaped media practices and technologies in turn. The course will draw on contemporary debates as well as historical examples and will cover themes such as representation and visual culture, media industries and audience practices, and racial bias in digital technology.
Same as: COMM 184

COMM 286. Media, Technology, and the Body. 4-5 Units.

This course considers major themes in the cultural analysis of the body in relation to media technologies. How do media and information technologies shape our understanding of the body and concepts of bodily difference such as race, gender, and disability? We will explore both classic theories and recent scholarship to examine how technologies mediate the body and bodily practices in various domains, from entertainment to engineering, politics to product design.
Same as: COMM 186W

COMM 289P. Journalism Thesis. 2-4 Units.

MA thesis course. Focuses on development of in-depth journalism project, culminating in work of publishable quality.

COMM 290. Media Studies M.A. Project. 1-2 Unit.

Individual research for coterminal Media Studies students.

COMM 299. Individual Work. 1-4 Unit.


COMM 301. Communication Research, Curriculum Development and Pedagogy. 1 Unit.

Designed to prepare students for teaching and research in the Department of Communication. Students will be trained in developing curriculum and in pedagogical practices, and will also be exposed to the research programs of various faculty members in the department. Required of all Ph.D. students.

COMM 307. Summer Institute in Political Psychology. 3 Units.

Lectures, discussion groups, and workshops addressing many applications of psychology to the analysis of political behavior. Public opinion, international relations, political decision-making, attitudes and beliefs, prejudice, social influence and persuasion, terrorism, news media influence, foreign policy, socialization, social justice.

COMM 308. Graduate Seminar in Political Psychology. 1-3 Unit.

For students interested in research in political science, psychology, or communication. Methodological techniques for studying political attitudes and behaviors. May be repeated for credit.

COMM 311. Theory of Communication. 1-5 Unit.

Basic communication theory for first-year Ph.D. students in the Department of Communication. Introduction to basic writings and concepts in communication research. The goal is an introduction to issues in the field that are common in communication research. First half of the class will emphasize classic literature about field organization, history and theory. Second half will emphasize contemporary theory in areas that students select.

COMM 312. Models of Democracy. 3-5 Units.

Ancient and modern varieties of democracy; debates about their normative and practical strengths and the pathologies to which each is subject. Focus is on participation, deliberation, representation, and elite competition, as values and political processes. Formal institutions, political rhetoric, technological change, and philosophical critique. Models tested by reference to long-term historical natural experiments such as Athens and Rome, recent large-scale political experiments such as the British Columbia Citizens' Assembly, and controlled experiments.
Same as: COMM 212

COMM 314. Ethnographic Methods. 1-5 Unit.

This course offers an introduction to the practice and politics of ethnographic fieldwork. It provides a "how to" of ethnographic research, in which students will conduct an ethnographic project of their own, complemented by weekly readings and discussions. In the process, we will discuss the theory and epistemology of fieldwork, along with the practicalities and politics of fieldwork in different domains. We will examine different stages of ethnographic research (entering the field, conducting and recording fieldwork, exiting the field and writing it up), different methods (observations, interviews, "going along"), as well as distinct styles of ethnographic work (virtual ethnography, organizational ethnography, narrative ethnography, etc.). The course will serve as a participative workshop for students to exchange field notes, share practical advice, and consolidate their research interests. Prerequisite: Must be Communication student, or obtain approval from instructor.
Same as: SOC 319

COMM 317. The Philosophy of Social Science. 1-5 Unit.

Approaches to social science research and their theoretical presuppositions. Readings from the philosophy of the social sciences. Research design, the role of experiments, and quantitative and qualitative research. Cases from communication and related social sciences. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

COMM 318. Quantitative Social Science Research Methods. 1-5 Unit.

An introduction to a broad range of social science research methods that are widely used in PhD work. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

COMM 322. Advanced Studies in Behavior and Social Media. 1-5 Unit.

This course will focus on advanced research on social media with an emphasis on interpersonal dynamics. The course will emphasize key theories from psychology and communication that bear on behavior and social media. Students will develop a research project in the course that draws on one of the primary methods from the social media space.

COMM 324. Language and Technology. 3-5 Units.

In this course we develop a model of how language reflects social and psychological dynamics in social media and other technologically-mediated contexts. The course lays out the main stages of analyzing language to understand social dynamics, including using theory to identify key discourse features, feature extraction, and classification and prediction. The course will draw on action-oriented language approaches to understand how people use language (e.g., grounding and joint action models), and then build on this approach to understand how discourse features from natural language can be used to answer questions from a wide range of social science questions, and ultimately, to the design of new technologies. Instructor consent required to enroll.

COMM 326. Advanced Topics in Human Virtual Representation. 1-5 Unit.

Topics include the theoretical construct of person identity, the evolution of that construct given the advent of virtual environments, and methodological approaches to understanding virtual human representation. Prerequisite: PhD student or consent of instructor.

COMM 335. Deliberative Democracy and its Critics. 3-5 Units.

This course examines the theory and practice of deliberative democracy and engages both in a dialogue with critics. Can a democracy which emphasizes people thinking and talking together on the basis of good information be made practical in the modern age? What kinds of distortions arise when people try to discuss politics or policy together? The course draws on ideas of deliberation from Madison and Mill to Rawls and Habermas as well as criticisms from the jury literature, from the psychology of group processes and from the most recent normative and empirical literature on deliberative forums. Deliberative Polling, its applications, defenders and critics, both normative and empirical, will provide a key case for discussion.
Same as: AMSTUD 135, COMM 135, COMM 235, ETHICSOC 135F, POLISCI 234P, POLISCI 334P

COMM 339. Questionnaire Design for Surveys and Laboratory Experiments: Social and Cognitive Perspectives. 4 Units.

The social and psychological processes involved in asking and answering questions via questionnaires for the social sciences; optimizing questionnaire design; open versus closed questions; rating versus ranking; rating scale length and point labeling; acquiescence response bias; don't-know response options; response choice order effects; question order effects; social desirability response bias; attitude and behavior recall; and introspective accounts of the causes of thoughts and actions.
Same as: POLISCI 421K, PSYCH 231

COMM 345. Personality Expression in Digitally Mediated Contexts. 1-5 Unit.

Digital devices (e.g., computers, smartphones, wearables) and platforms (e.g., social media sites, forums, virtual worlds) mediate much of our daily life. Each time we use digital media for communication, information seeking, or entertainment, we leave behind psychologically revealing digital footprints. In this course, we will explore how digital footprints can be used to understand individual differences in thinking, feeling, and behaving. Class activities and assignments will require students to apply the concepts to their own research projects. Course enrollment limited to PhD-level students.

COMM 346. Advanced Topics on Individual Differences in Media Psychology. 3 Units.

This will be a project-based course for graduate students to take a deep dive on a specific topic within media psychology. All topics will share an underlying focus on individual differences. Example topics include: describing individual differences in use of digital devices (e.g., computers, smartphones, wearables) and platforms (e.g., social media, forums, virtual worlds), explaining what may be driving such differences (e.g., psychological factors, contextual factors), applying and developing methodological approaches for understanding and assessing mediated personalities, and exploring applications of psychologically tailoring media to people¿s characteristics and contexts. Students will work collaboratively with the instructor and other students in the course to produce a novel work by the end of the quarter.

COMM 350. New Media and Journalism. 1-5 Unit.

New media technologies are transforming how people create and consume information. In this course, we study journalism as an organized field of practice to examine what digital technologies change -- and what they don't change -- about production, diffusion, and reception of news around the globe. The course will cover topics such as changing professional boundaries in a networked environment; the decentralization of news production with social media platforms; the changes in editorial judgement related to automation; the construction of algorithmic audiences; and the promises and challenges associated with data journalism. Moving beyond simplistic analyses of the internet as a universal explanation for all changes in journalism, this course explores how new technologies interact with existing practices, representations, and institutions.
Same as: SOC 326

COMM 354. Work, Technology, and Communication. 1-5 Unit.

Workplace cultures and professional communities are currently being profoundly reconfigured through digital technologies, algorithmic tools, and online platforms. Many of these developments are recent. Yet previous waves of technological innovation came with comparable effects on work practices, occupational identities, and organizational dynamics. This graduate seminar explores the relationship between work, technology, and communication from a science and technology studies (STS) perspective. The students will read classic studies of workplace cultures as well as recent research on digital labor in order to better understand how work is changing in the twenty-first century.

COMM 357. Information Control in Authoritarian Regimes. 4-5 Units.

Does information help autocrats and dictators stay in power? Or does information help topple authoritarian regimes? This course will examine how authoritarian regimes try to control information through surveillance, propaganda, and censorship, what influences the effectiveness of these information control measures, and how changes in technology (Internet, social media, mobile) affect the dynamics of information control.
Same as: COMM 157, COMM 257

COMM 360G. Political Communication. 3-5 Units.

An overview of research in political communication with particular reference to work on the impact of the mass media on public opinion and voting behavior. Limited to Ph.D. students.
Same as: POLISCI 425

COMM 361. Law of Democracy. 3-5 Units.

Combined with LAW 7036 (formerly Law 577). This course is intended to give students a basic understanding of the themes in the legal regulation of elections and politics. We will cover all the major Supreme Court cases on topics of voting rights, reapportionment/redistricting, ballot access, regulation of political parties, campaign finance, and the 2000 presidential election controversy. The course pays particular attention to competing political philosophies and empirical assumptions that underlie the Court's reasoning while still focusing on the cases as litigation tools used to serve political ends. Elements used in grading: Class participation and one day take home final exam. (POLISCI 327C; LAW 577).
Same as: POLISCI 327C

COMM 362. Topics in Political Communication: Media Bias, Selective Exposure, and Political Polarization. 1-5 Unit.

This course surveys theories of media bias, biased processing of information, and the empirical challenges facing researchers attempting to link changes in the composition of audiences to attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. (Limited to PhD students).
Same as: POLISCI 425S

COMM 365. Advanced Longitudinal and Multivariate Methods in Social Science Research. 1-5 Unit.

This course offers a project-based orientation to methodological issues associated with the analysis of multivariate and/or longitudinal data in the social sciences. General areas to be covered include the manipulation/organization/description of the types of empirical data obtained in social science research, and the application/implementation of multivariate analysis techniques to those data. Students will, through hands-on analysis of their data, acquire experiences in the formulation of research questions and study designs that are appropriately tethered to a variety of advanced analytical methods. Limited to PhD students and consent of instructor.
Same as: PSYCH 289

COMM 372G. Seminar in Psychological Processing. 1-5 Unit.

Limited to Ph.D. students. Advanced topics. Prerequisite: 272 or consent of instructor.

COMM 378. Media and Time. 1-5 Unit.

As media technologies change, they radically restructure our experience of time. This course will bring together readings from media psychology and media history in order to understand this process. Students will explore issues such as the acceleration of everyday life, new modes of screen use, and the transformation of cultural categories such as ¿narrative¿ and ¿the event¿. Ultimately the course aims to help prepare students to consider time in scholarship about media.

COMM 380. Curriculum Practical Training. 1-5 Unit.

Practical experience in the communication industries. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Meets requirements for Curricular Practical Training for students on F-1 visas. (Staff).

COMM 382. Big Data and Causal Inference. 1-5 Unit.

Massive datasets are increasingly available for research as digital technologies pervade our lives. These data represent new opportunities for social science research, but prominent examples of data science research bear little resemblance to the research designs of social scientific inquiry. In this course, we use machine learning and statistical tools on large-scale datasets to answer social science questions of cause and effect. Familiarity with Python recommended. Enrollment limited to PhD students in COMM or Social Science who have completed or are currently taking graduate quantitative methods sequences in Economics, Political Science, Sociology, or Statistics. Contact for a permission number to enroll (please include a current CV).

COMM 382B. Research Seminar in Computational Social Science. 1-3 Unit.

Technological advances have generated massive datasets available to use for research. Graduate students are increasingly well trained in computational and statistical techniques, but often encounter resistance from publishers and reviewers when applying these techniques. This is a graduate research seminar in which students will carefully read cutting-edge works in computational social science, and discuss in detail their theory, data and empirical methods, and overall scientific contribution. We will consider what makes these works successful, and participants will present in the seminar. Instructor approval required for non-Ph.D. students to enroll. May be repeated for credit.

COMM 384. Media Technology Theory. 3-5 Units.

This course surveys major theoretical approaches to the study of media technologies, including Frankfurt School critical theory, media archaeology, actor network theory, science and technology studies, platform studies and theories of critical making. By the end of the course, students should have a rich familiarity with the literature in this area, as well as with exemplary empirical studies conducted within each tradition. Preference to Ph.D. students in Communication and Art and Art History. Consent of instructor required for non-PhD students.
Same as: ARTHIST 465, FILMSTUD 465A

COMM 385. Media as Ways of Knowing. 1-5 Unit.

How do the tools and techniques of capturing, representing, storing, and transmitting information shape how and what we know? And how might such instruments influence the relationship between epistemic practices and forms social, cultural, and political life? This course will draw on scholarship across the history of science, science and technology studies, and media theory to consider the role media technologies play in how knowledge is produced, circulated, and authorized. Instructor consent required. Limited to PhD students or with consent of instructor.

COMM 386. Media Cultures of the Cold War. 3-5 Units.

The intersection of politics, aesthetics, and new media technologies in the U.S. between the end of WW II and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Topics include the aesthetics of thinking the unthinkable in the wake of the atom bomb; abstract expressionism and 'modern man' discourse; game theory, cybernetics, and new models of art making; the rise of television, intermedia, and the counterculture; and the continuing influence of the early cold war on contemporary media aesthetics. Readings from primary and secondary sources in art history, communication, and critical theory.
Same as: ARTHIST 475

COMM 390. Communication Colloquium. 1 Unit.

The Communication Colloquium is a monthly seminar held throughout the academic year, in which leading scholars present their research findings. The Colloquium is intended for PhD students in Communication, and priority will be given to COMM PhD students. Attendance of all sessions is required to receive credit.

COMM 399. Advanced Individual Work. 1-9 Unit.


COMM 51A. Race in Science. 1 Unit.

What are the roles of race and racism in science, technology, and medicine? 3-course sequence; each quarter can be taken independently. Fall quarter focuses on science. What is the science of race and racism? How does race affect scientific work? Weekly guest speakers will address such issues as the psychology and anthropology of race and racism; how race, language, and culture affect education; race in environmental science and environmental justice; the science of reducing police violence; and the role of race in genomic research. Talks will take a variety of forms, from panel discussions to interviews and lectures. Weekly assignments: read a related article and participate in an online discussion.
Same as: AFRICAAM 51A, CEE 151A, CSRE 51A, HUMBIO 71A, STS 51A

COMM 51B. Race in Technology. 1 Unit.

What are the roles of race and racism in science, technology, and medicine? 3-course sequence; each quarter can be taken independently. Winter quarter focuses on technology. How do race and racism affect the design and social impact of technology, broadly defined? Can new or different technology help to reduce racial bias? Invited speakers will address the role of race in such issues as energy infrastructure, nuclear arms control, algorithmic accountability, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and synthetic biology. Talks will take a variety of forms, ranging from panel discussions to interviews and lectures. Weekly assignments: read a related article and participate in an online discussion.
Same as: AFRICAAM 51B, BIOE 91B, CEE 151B, CSRE 51B, HUMBIO 71B, STS 51B

COMM 801. TGR Project. 0 Units.


COMM 802. TGR Dissertation. 0 Units.
