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University Communication with Students

Stanford University uses electronic means (such as email, texts, and the Internet) as a method of communication and of providing billing, payment, and enrollment services. For many University communications, email to a student’s Stanford email account is the official form of notification to the student, and emails sent by University officials to such email addresses will be presumed to have been received and read by the student. Signatures or acknowledgements provided by a student electronically to the University via Stanford systems and/or email are valid and legally binding.

Notification/Obligation to Read Email

For many University communications, email to a student's Stanford email account is the official form of notification to the student, and emails sent by University officials to such email addresses will be presumed to have been received and read by the student. Emails and forms delivered through a SUNet account by a student to the University may likewise constitute a formal communication, with the use of this password-protected account constituting the student's electronic signature.

Obligation to Pay Charges

By accepting Stanford's offer of admission and enrolling in classes, each student accepts responsibility for paying all debts to the University, including tuition and fees, for which he or she is liable. An individual's registration as a Stanford student constitutes his or her agreement to make timely payment of all amounts due. Stanford students have access to financial literacy resources through the Mind Over Money program including the Haven Money tool and 1:1 financial coaching for personal finance education. 

For complete tuition information, see the Registrar's tuition web site.

Quarterly tuition for the academic year 2020-21, payable Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer quarters.*

*In academic year 2020-21, tuition and fees are the same throughout each quarter. To review changes to instruction this year, visit the Re-Approaching Stanford website.

Tuition Category Tuition
Undergraduate $18,491
Graduate 11-18 units $18,105
Graduate 8,9,10-unit rate $11,770
Each graduate unit above 18 $1,207
Graduate Engineering 11-18 units $19,287
Graduate Engineering 8,9,10-unit rate $12,540
Each graduate Engineering unit above 18 $1,286
Graduate School of Business (M.B.A. program—first year)* $24,902
Graduate School of Business (M.B.A. program—second year)* $24,354
School of Medicine (M.D. Program)* $20,731
Law School $21,450
GSB & Law Joint Program** $22,444
Permit for Services Only (PSO) $5,476
Permit to Attend (PTA)*** $5,476
TGR (Terminal Graduate Registration) $3,531
Medical School Research Rate $3,531

*Ph.D. students in the Biomedical Sciences and in the Graduate School of Business are assessed the standard graduate tuition rate.
**Law/GSB joint program tuition rate
***Policies concerning auditing are available in the Stanford Bulletin.

  • MSx: M.S. in Management for Experienced Leaders (GSB): TBD (annual, 4 quarters, Summer 2020 through Spring 2021)
  • TGR students who carry 1, 2, or 3 units are assessed the TGR rate of $3,531.
  • PostDoc Fee: $125
  • Graduation Quarter: $150
  • Campus Health Services Fee: $232
  • VSR monthly fee: $1,177

Regular tuition fees apply to the undergraduate Overseas Studies and Stanford in Washington programs.

Eligibility for registration at reduced tuition rates is described below. Tuition exceptions may also be made for illness, disability, pregnancy, new-parent relief, or other instances at the discretion of the University. No reduction in tuition charges is made after the first two weeks of the quarter.

All students are advised, before registering at less than the regular full-tuition rate, to consider the effects of that registration on their degree progress and on their eligibility for financial aid and awards, visas, deferment of student loans, and residency requirements.

The University reserves the right to change at any time, without prior notice, tuition, room fees, board fees, or other charges.

Document Fee

A Document Fee of $250 is assessed once upon the first admission to Stanford as an undergraduate or graduate student, including Law, GSB, and Medicine students. Non-degree option (NDO) students, such as summer session and non-degree seeking SCPD students, are assessed a $125 Document Fee.

Tuition and Fees for 2020-21

Some or all instruction for all or part of the academic year 2020-21 may be delivered remotely. Tuition and mandatory fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event instruction occur remotely for any part of the academic year.

Undergraduate Student Tuition

During Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, undergraduates are expected to register at the regular full-tuition rate.

During Summer Quarter, Stanford undergraduates may register on a unit-basis. For Summer Quarter tuition rates and policies, see the Registrar's Summer tuition web site.

The following reduced-tuition categories can be requested by matriculated undergraduate students in the final stages of their degree program:

1. Permit to Attend for Services Only (PSO)

Undergraduates completing honors theses, clearing incompletes, or requiring a registration status, and who meet the PSO conditions listed in the "Special Registration Statuses (Undergraduate)" section of this Bulletin, may petition for PSO status one time only in their terminal quarter.

2. 13th Quarter

Undergraduates who meet the 13th Quarter conditions listed in the "Special Registration Statuses (Undergraduate)" section of this Bulletin may petition one time only to register for a minimum of eight units. For per-unit tuition rates, see the Registrar's tuition web site.

3. Graduation Quarter

Undergraduates may petition to register for Graduation Quarter registration status in the quarter in which they are receiving a degree if they are not using any University resources (including housing), have completed all University requirements, and meet the Graduation Quarter conditions listed in the "Special Registration Statuses (Undergraduate)" section of this bulletin. Graduation Quarter may be permitted one time only. The tuition for the Graduation Quarter is $150.

Coterminal students are only eligible for the Graduation Quarter special registration status if they are applying to confer both the undergraduate and graduate degree in the same quarter.

Coterminal Student Tuition

Coterminal students are assigned to either the undergraduate coterminal tuition group or the graduate coterminal tuition group, which dictates whether the student is charged undergraduate or graduate tuition. A coterminal student is subject to graduate tuition assessment and adjustment policies once placed in the coterminal graduate tuition group. Coterminal students are not eligible for undergraduate special registration statuses (with the exception of Graduation Quarter if the student is applying to confer both their undergraduate and graduate degrees in the same quarter). Coterminal students may only be eligible to apply for graduate special registration statuses once their undergraduate degrees have been conferred. Coterminal students should see the student policies and procedures for tuition assessment, as described in the "Coterminal Degrees" section of this bulletin.

Graduate Student Tuition

Matriculated graduate students are expected to enroll for at least eight units during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters. Schools and departments may set a higher minimum. During the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, matriculated graduate students in most departments may register at the reduced 8-, 9-, or 10-unit tuition rate if their enrollment plans are accepted by their departments. Students in the Stanford Law School, the MBA program in the Graduate School of Business, or the M.D. program in the School of Medicine, should consult appropriate school officers about tuition reduction eligibility.

Graduate students who are enrolled in more than one graduate degree at Stanford, where each program charges different tuition, are charged:

  1. the tuition associated with a degree in the doctoral/professional category, if the other degree is in the master's category. Those degrees in the doctoral or professional category for tuition purposes are the Ph.D., D.M.A., J.S.D., M.D., and J.D. degrees. Those degrees in the master's category for tuition purposes are the Engineer, M.A., M.S., M.P.P., M.B.A., M.F.A., L.L.M., M.L.S., and J.S.M. degrees.
  2. the higher tuition rate, if both degrees are in the same category.
  3. a University-approved tuition rate if the student is in a special program for which specific tuition agreements have been approved by the Faculty Senate (e.g., all joint degree programs (JDPs) or the Master of Science in Medicine program).

As a general proposition, during the Summer Quarter registration is not required by Stanford University and does not substitute for registration during the academic year. Students are required to be enrolled Summer Quarter if, during that quarter, they will meet any of the criteria listed in the "Enrollment Requirements" section of the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin. Graduate students who do enroll Summer Quarter may reduce their enrollment to a minimum of one unit (charged on a per-unit basis) unless the terms of a fellowship or other financial support, or of their particular degree program, require a higher level of enrollment. TGR students who enroll in summer pay the TGR rate and must enroll in the required zero-unit course. Students in the schools of Law, Business, or the M.D. program should consult appropriate school officers regarding summer enrollment requirements. Students possessing an F1 or J1 student visa may be subject to additional course enrollment requirements in order to retain their student visas.

Honors Cooperative students register at the per-unit rate. Graduate students who are faculty spouses, regular Stanford employees, or full-time educators in the Bay Area may also register at the per-unit rate.

Non-matriculated graduate students pay the same tuition rates as matriculated students but must register for at least 8 units. Visiting Student Researchers pay a monthly fee; they may not enroll in or audit courses. Within certain restrictions, postdoctoral scholars may enroll in courses if the appropriate unit rate for tuition is paid.

The following reduced-tuition categories can be requested by matriculated graduate students in the final stages of their degree programs:

1. Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR)

Doctoral students, master's students, and students pursuing Engineer degrees who have completed all degree requirements other than the University oral exam and dissertation (doctoral students) or a required project or thesis (Engineer or master's students) and meet the conditions listed in the "TGR" section of this bulletin may request Terminal Graduate Registration tuition status.

Each quarter, TGR students must enroll in the 801 (for master's and Engineer students) or 802 (for doctoral students) course in their department for zero units, in the appropriate section for their adviser. TGR students register at a special tuition rate as outlined above. TGR students may enroll in up to 3 units of course work per quarter at this tuition rate. Within certain restrictions, TGR students may enroll in additional courses at the applicable unit rate. The additional courses cannot be applied toward degree requirements since all degree requirements must be complete in order to earn TGR status.

2. Graduate Petition for Part-time Enrollment (formerly Graduate Tuition Adjustment)

Graduate students who need only 3 to 7 remaining units to complete degree requirements or to qualify for TGR status may apply to register for one quarter only on a unit basis (3 to 7 units) to cover the deficiency. Students with disabilities covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act that have an approved reduced course load recommended by the Office of Accessible Education (OAE) may also request a tuition adjustment for each quarter in which they take a reduced course load. For per-unit tuition rates, see the Registrar's tuition web site.

3. Graduation Quarter

Registration is required for the term in which a student submits a dissertation or has a degree conferred. Students who meet the conditions listed in the "Graduation Quarter" section of this bulletin are eligible to be assessed a special tuition rate of $150 for the quarter in which they are receiving a degree.

International Students

F-1 or J-1 visas are required by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. International students must be registered as full-time students during the academic year. Summer Quarter registration is not required unless the I-20/DS-2019 notes the Summer Quarter as the start date. International graduate students comply with immigration regulations while enrolled for partial tuition if their Stanford fellowships or assistantships require part-time enrollment, if they are in TGR status, or if they are in the final quarter of a degree program. Nonmatriculated graduate students who are international students must register for at least 8 units.

Fees noted with an asterisk(*) have been updated for the 2020-21 Academic Year.

Application Fee

Contact the Undergraduate Admission Office for information about the undergraduate application fee and the Graduate Admission section of the Office of the University Registrar for the current graduate application fee. Application fees for the School of Law, the School of Medicine, and the Graduate School of Business vary by program. Fees are payable at the time of application and are not refundable.

ASSU Fees*

The Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU) fees are established by student vote in Spring Quarter. Fees directly fund activities of student organizations and not operations of ASSU. The 2020-21 fees are:

  • Undergraduates—$100 Autumn Quarter. Winter, Spring, Summer rate is TBD.
  • Graduate Students—$35 Autumn Quarter. Winter, Spring, Summer rate is TBD.

ASSU fees are assessed in Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters and can be waived subject to certain conditions*. Waivers can be requested during the first three weeks of each quarter. The window for requesting waivers begins on the first Monday of each quarter and remains open for three calendar weeks. Contact the ASSU for details. Waivers granted result in a credit to the student's University bill.

*This fee will be assessed for each quarter (Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer) during the 2020-21 Academic Year.

Document Fee

Stanford charges a one-time Document Fee to all students admitted to a new degree or non-degree program. The fee is paid once only, regardless of the number of degrees a student may ultimately pursue. It covers the cost of a variety of University administrative services such as enrollment and degree certification, course drops, and adds done in Axess before published deadlines, diplomas, and official transcripts and their production.

The document fee for students admitted to a new degree or non-degree programs in 2019-20 is $250.

Campus Health Service Fee*

All students enrolled on the main Stanford campus are required to pay the Campus Health Service Fee. The Campus Health Service Fee covers most of the services provided by Vaden Health Center, including primary care medical visits, psychological evaluation and short-term therapy at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), and health and wellness programs. The services provided by Vaden Health Center are not covered by Cardinal Care or a student's private health insurance. More information and answers to questions about the fee can be found at the Campus Health Service Fee web site. The fee for 2020-21 is $232 per quarter.

*This fee will be assessed for each quarter (Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer) during the 2020-21 Academic Year.

Health Insurance*

The University requires all registered students to carry medical insurance to provide coverage for services not provided by Vaden Health Center. Those who carry medical insurance through an alternate carrier are generally eligible for a waiver of the Stanford Cardinal Care health insurance plan. Students are automatically enrolled in and charged for the Stanford student health insurance plan, Cardinal Care, unless they have completed waiver procedures by the waiver deadline.

For complete information on health insurance, see the Vaden Health Center Insurance web site.

*This fee will be assessed for each quarter (Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer) during the 2020-21 Academic Year.

Special Fees

New Student Orientation Fee

A fee is charged to all entering undergraduates for the costs of orientation, including room and board, and for the cost of class dues to provide funds for later activities of the class.

Law Student Services Fee

A fee is charged each quarter to School of Law students for supplementary course materials.

Graduate School of Business M.B.A. Course Reader Fee

A fee is charged each quarter to M.B.A. students in the Graduate School of Business to cover the cost of in-class handouts and licensing fees.

Late Study List Fees

Charges are imposed for late submission of study lists. The amount is $200.

Laboratory Fee

Students in chemistry laboratory courses are charged a nonrefundable fee.

Course Fees

Courses for which special fees are charged, such as in Music Practice; Athletics, Physical Education, Recreation; and Dance, are indicated in the notes of the scheduled class on Axess or ExploreCourses.

Dissertation Fee

Each Ph.D. and D.M.A. candidate has the option to either submit electronically or on paper. Electronic submission is free. Students who choose to submit on paper are charged a fee to cover the cost of microfilming and binding the dissertation and the cost of publishing the abstract.

International Scholar Service Fee

A one-time fee for visa authorization documents is charged to international postdoctoral and visiting scholars.


University housing is available to enrolled Stanford degree-seeking undergraduates and graduate students and non-matriculated graduate students as space permits and according to policies described on the R&DE Student Housing web site. Residential and Dining Enterprises (R&DE) Student Housing is responsible for managing and maintaining student residences, assigning students to housing, and operating the regional housing front desks. Information on university housing assignments, options, policies, application procedures, and deadlines may be obtained on the R&DE Student Housing web site, by telephone at (650) 725-2810, or by email at Current and prospective students may also contact R&DE Student Housing by filing a ServiceNow request. Information regarding off-campus housing may be obtained from the Community Housing section of the R&DE Student Housing web site, by telephone at (650) 723-3906, or by email at communityhousing@stanford.eduDue to COVID-19 our office at 408 Panama Mall, Suite 101, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 is closed to in-person assistance.

Residential Education (650-725-2800) and the Graduate Life Office (650-736-7078) are responsible for residential education staff, educational programs, counseling, and crisis intervention in undergraduate and graduate housing respectively.

Housing Rates

Complete information on housing is available on the R&DE Student Housing web site. Campus housing rates are generally below local area market rents.

All on-campus rates are per student and include utilities and coinless laundry. Off-campus, subsidized housing rates include utilities, but not laundry. Room rates are charged quarterly on the university bill. Information on payment options and procedures is discussed in assignment information sent out by R&DE Student Housing and in the "Payments" section of the Stanford Bulletin.

House Dues

A quarterly house dues fee for students is generally determined by the local residence staff and/or residents of each house and may be included with room and board charges on the university bill.

Technology Fee

Students who live in housing are automatically assessed a technology fee on their university bill that covers in-room network connections and a landline phone with telephone service (service provided on campus only).

Undergraduate Residences

Approximately 97 percent of undergraduates live in university housing, excepting students studying abroad during the academic year. All freshmen are required to live in on campus residences their first year and are automatically assigned housing following admission. Information on the housing assignment process is included in the R&DE Student Housing section of Approaching Stanford. Because freshmen must live in campus housing, losing eligibility for University housing also leads to a loss of student status until the student has returned to university housing unless an extraordinary exemption is granted from the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education.

Residence assignments for continuing undergraduates are made on the basis of an annual lottery, called the Draw, and quarterly assignment rounds. Undergraduates are guaranteed four years of University housing (three years for transfer students) if:

  1. they are in compliance with the university housing agreement and university policies,
  2. they apply by the appropriate deadlines, and
  3. they are willing to live anywhere on campus. 

Undergraduate residences include traditional residence halls, language and culture theme houses, cross-cultural theme houses, student-managed and cooperative houses, apartments, suites, fraternities, and sororities.

Graduate Residences

Approximately 66 percent of matriculated graduate students live in housing provided by R&DE Student Housing, both on campus and off campus. Residence assignments are made on the basis of an annual lottery and quarterly assignment rounds. New matriculated students are guaranteed university housing for their first year of study if:

  1. they are in compliance with the university housing agreement and university policies,
  2. they apply by the first round application deadline for the autumn term, and
  3. they are willing to live in any residence for which they are eligible

At Stanford University, new matriculated students are students who are in a graduate program for the first time. Students starting a second graduate degree are not considered new students and therefore are not guaranteed housing.

Coterminal students who opt to live on campus are required to live in undergraduate housing for the duration of their four years of guaranteed undergraduate housing regardless of their student status. Once these four years have been used, students can apply in the annual spring Lottery for graduate housing, where they apply with a low priority. Coterminal students are not guaranteed housing and are assigned after new first-year graduate students who are guaranteed housing and continuing students with remaining priority years.

Academic-year assignment priorities for graduate students are detailed on the Assignment Guarantee and Priorities page of the R&DE Student Housing web site. Priorities are dependent upon degree level and number of years each student has already lived in housing.

Single graduate students may request assignment to furnished graduate apartments in a variety of configurations.  

  • Studios (private living/bedroom area, bath and kitchen)
  • Shared premium two- and four-bedroom apartments (private bedroom and bath, shared kitchen and living/dining room)
  • Shared standard two-, three- and four-bedroom apartments (private bedroom, shared bath, kitchen and living/dining room)
  • Shared junior two-bedroom, two bath apartments (private bedroom and bath, shared eat-in kitchen, no living room)
  • Shared junior two-bedroom, one bath apartments (private bedroom, shared bath, eat-in kitchen, no living room)

Couples housing is available to students who are married and to students who have a same-sex or opposite-sex domestic partner who is living with them at least 50% of each week. At Stanford University, a domestic partnership is defined as an established, long-term romantic partnership with an exclusive mutual commitment in which the partners share the necessities of life and ongoing responsibility for their common welfare. Couples without children may request assignment to a variety of furnished configurations.

  • One-bedroom apartments (private bedroom,  small den, kitchen and living/dining room)
  • One-bedroom apartments with den (private bedroom and bath, small den, kitchen and living/dining room) - only a limited number available for two-student couples
  • Two-bedroom apartments (private bedroom and bath, study room, kitchen and living /dining room) - only a limited number available for two-student couples
  • Premium two bedroom, two bath apartments (private bedroom, two-baths, study room, kitchen and living /dining room) 
  • Premium studios (private living/bedroom area, bath and kitchen)
  • Standard studios  (smaller private living/bedroom area, bath and kitchen)

Housing for students with children is available to married couples, domestic partners, and single parents who have dependent children living with them at least 50% of each week. Housing is not provided for extended families. Parents/siblings of students and live-in day care staff are not permitted to live in university housing. Furnished apartments are available for students with children, based on the number of dependents. 

  • Two-bedroom apartments (two bedrooms, one bath, kitchen and living /dining room)
  • Three-bedroom apartments (three bedrooms, one bath, kitchen and living /dining room)
  • Four-bedroom apartments (four bedrooms, one bath, kitchen and living /dining room)

Community Housing

Community Housing provides resources to assist students in locating private rooms, houses, and apartments available for rent in surrounding communities. Students must make rental arrangements directly with landlords. An online listing service facilitates the process of making connections.  Information on community housing may be obtained from the Community Housing web site, by telephone at (650) 723-3906, or by email at communityhousing@stanford.eduDue to COVID-19 our office at 408 Panama Mall, Suite 101, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 is closed to in-person assistance.

Note that Stanford University does not investigate, endorse, or guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by any listing, or the condition of the accommodation. Furthermore, the University assumes no responsibility for housing arrangements made by persons using any of these services.

Meal Plans

For information on meal plans, see the meal plan rate page on the R&DE Stanford Dining website.

Stanford University’s Residential Education program promotes the philosophy that living and learning are integrated and that formal teaching, informal learning, and personal support in residences are integral to a Stanford education. Meals play a key role in this mission of community building, leading, and learning. Therefore, residents of designated university residence halls (Branner, Crothers/Crothers Memorial, Florence Moore, Gerhard Casper, Lakeside, Ricker, Stern, Toyon, Wilbur, Yost, Murray, and EAST) are required to participate in an R&DE Stanford Dining Meal Plan. R&DE Stanford Dining is "Committed to Excellence" by providing meal plans that offer significant value, the highest quality, and most flexibility of dining across campus, along with a daily variety of delicious, nutritious options including vegetarian, vegan, nut-free, kosher, and halal. The Food Allergies @Stanford program offers support and dining accommodations to students with food allergies or other dietary concerns. During Spring Break, to accommodate those staying on campus, Arrillaga Family Dining Commons is open for student meals.

All freshmen and upperclass students living in the above houses can choose an R&DE voluntary meal plan which offers expanded flexibility and numerous options for on campus use. Residents of Yost, Murray, and EAST have a dedicated row meal plan. Students assigned to the Governor’s Corner Suites and the remaining row houses are required to purchase either a Dining Societies meal plan (Suites), or a house meal plan (managed through their self-operated or co-op row house staff).

Students are allowed to switch meal plans up until the last two weeks of the quarter. Meal plans are billed on a quarterly basis, and the cost is determined by the number of service days in each quarter. Cardinal Dollars do not expire and carry over from year to year as long as you are enrolled as a student. The remaining Meal Plan Dollar balance carries over at the end of each quarter and can be used throughout the academic year as long as the student is enrolled in a meal plan. All Meal Plan Dollars expire at the end of Summer Quarter. Meal Plan Dollars provided per quarter as part of the Ultimate Flex, Premier Flex, Cardinal Select and Cardinal Light plans vary depending on the number of days in each quarter.

Meal Plans

Undergraduate students living in Branner, Crothers/Crothers Memorial, Florence Moore, Gerhard Casper, Lakeside, Ricker, Stern, Toyon, and Wilbur are required to be at a minimum on one of the Cardinal mandatory meal plans (Classic, Select and Light), but can choose to switch meal plans at any time, until the last two weeks of each quarter.

Cardinal Classic

  • 19 meals per week served only in the dining halls
  • 5 guest meals per quarter
  • During home football games, a meal swipe can be used at the Stanford Stadium

Cardinal Select

  • 14 meals per week plus 420 Meal Plan Dollars and 5 guest meals per quarter
  • All 14 meals are served in the dining halls
  • Meal Plan Dollars can be used in the dining halls, most R&DE cafés, Munger Market and late night venues
  • During home football games, a meal swipe can be used at the Stanford Stadium
  • The default meal plan for freshmen and upperclass students not living in  Yost, Murray or EAST

Cardinal Light

  • 10 meals per week plus 750 Meal Plan Dollars and 5 guest meals per quarter
  • All 10 meals are served in the dining halls and the Meal Plan Dollars can be used in the dining halls, most R&DE cafés and late night venues
  • During home football games, a meal swipe can be used at the Stanford Stadium
  • This meal plan is only available for upperclass students.

Row House

Students living in Yost, Murray, or EAST are required to be on the Row House mandatory undergrad meal plan: 12 meals per week plus 345 meal plan and open kitchen dollars.

  • 10 meals are served at the row house
  • 2 meals can be eaten at any dining hall
  • Meal Plan Dollars can be used in the dining halls, most R&DE cafés and late night venues
  • Open kitchen funds are available for additional meals in the row house when meals are not being served
  • During home football games, a meal swipe can be used at the Stanford Stadium


By accepting Stanford's offer of admission and enrolling in classes, each student accepts responsibility for paying all debts to the University, including tuition and fees, for which he or she is liable. An individual's registration as a Stanford student constitutes his or her agreement to make timely payment of all amounts due.

University Bill

Charges and credits from offices within the University are aggregated in a student's individual account and presented on the University bill. Student Financial Services publishes the University bill electronically to students monthly via Stanford ePay.

Authorized Payers

Students may designate 'Authorized Payers' via Stanford ePay to allow others to view the student account and make payment. Students and Authorized Payers may view the student account online 24 hours a day, seven days a week, via Stanford ePay. Payments should be made online through Stanford ePay. If necessary, the student or Authorized Payer may print a bill or receipt from Stanford ePay.

Due Dates and Unit Adjustments

A list of payment due dates throughout the academic year is available on the Student Financial Services website. To avoid late payment penalties, online payments via Stanford ePay can be made up to midnight PST on the 15th of the month; mailed payments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the 15th of the month.

After the start of the term, adding units may result in additional tuition charges. Other fees, such as room damage repair charges, petition fees, late fees, lab fees, library fees, and other miscellaneous fees or charges are due on the 15th of the month after which they are billed.

Forms of Payment

Stanford's standard method of payment is the online service, Stanford ePay, which includes electronic check (eCheck) and foreign currency payment options. Stanford ePay foreign currency payment options offer students favorable exchange rates and eliminate bank fees typically charged for wire transfer. No fee is associated with ePay payments.

Alternatively, payers may use their personal online banking portal with any U.S. bank to pay the University bill. Stanford does not accept cash, credit cards or postdated checks for payments to the University bill. 

Stanford offers an installment payment plan for undergraduates.

See Prepayment Installment Plan for information.

See University Bill Payment Methods for information.

Credit Balances

Stanford uses Direct Deposit to refund credit balances to students. See the Direct Deposit enrollment instructions web site. Students are expected to enroll in Direct Deposit at the beginning of their Stanford career or as soon as possible thereafter. Direct Deposits reach the bank within 24-48 hours of processing. Receipt of funds will not be delayed by mail time, lost checks, or the need to go to the bank as is the case with paper checks.

Generally credit balances resulting from financial aid are refunded multiple times weekly. Credit balances resulting from an overpayment of cash (e.g. ePayment, check) remain on the student account to be applied to future charges. A refund of a cash overpayment may be provided at any time upon student request. Annually, in August, Student Financial Services will refund any remaining overpayment of cash to students who have graduated or otherwise discontinued their career at Stanford.

Account Fees and Actions

Late Payment Fees

The University must receive the full amount due on or before the due date indicated on the bill. If full payment is not received by the due date, a late fee of 1% of the amount past due may be assessed. Anticipated aid (aid that has been accepted but not disbursed and is shown on the student account) reduces the total amount due prior to late fees being applied.


Accounts that become past due more than 30 days are subject to financial holds. Among other things, a financial hold blocks transcripts, diplomas, and enrollment eligibility.

Insufficient Funds

A non-refundable $25.00 administrative fee may be assessed for checks or eCheck payments returned due to insufficient funds. In addition, student accounts are subject to holds, and late payment penalties may apply.

Delinquent Accounts

Delinquent accounts may be reported to one or more of the national credit reporting agencies. Severely delinquent accounts may be referred to a collection agency and/or placed in litigation in accordance with state and federal laws. Students with delinquent accounts may be held responsible for collection costs, attorney fees, and court costs. Stanford may consider past delinquent accounts in determining whether to provide Stanford loans.


Students who withdraw from the University before the end of a term may be eligible to receive refunds of portions of their tuition under certain limited circumstances.

See the Registrar's Tuition Refunds page for a schedule of refunds.

Annulled Registration

Students who take a leave of absence or summer annulment from the University voluntarily before the first day of instruction may have their registrations annulled. Tuition is refunded in full if the student never attended. Such students are not included in University records as having registered for the term and new students do not secure any privileges for admission for any subsequent quarter as returning students. A leave of absence or summer annulment does not automatically cancel health coverage (both Cardinal Care and the Campus Health Services Fee) unless the leave of absence or summer annulment is granted before the first day of instruction. Financial aid recipients should be aware that a proportion of any refund is returned to the various sources of aid.

Cancellation of Registration or Suspension

Students who have their registrations canceled or are suspended from the University generally receive refunds on the same basis as those receiving leaves of absence unless otherwise specified. A student whose registration is canceled less than one week after the first day of instruction for an offense committed during a preceding quarter receives a full refund of tuition fees.

Institutional Interruption of Instruction

It is the University's intention to avoid the necessity of taking the actions described in this paragraph. However, should the University determine that continuation of some or all academic and other campus activities is illegal, impracticable, and/or in the reasonable judgment of the University, their continuation involves a significant threat of harm to persons or property, activities may be curtailed and students and others requested or required to leave the campus. In such an event, arrangements are made as soon as practical to offer students the opportunity to complete their courses, or substantially equivalent work, so that appropriate credit may be given. Alternatively, the University in its discretion may determine that students receive refunds on the same basis as those receiving leaves of absence, or on some other appropriate basis.

Leaves of Absence

A student in good standing who desires or is required to take a leave of absence from the University after the first day of instruction, but before the end of the first 60 percent of the quarter (term withdrawal deadline), may file a petition for a leave of absence and tuition refund. Graduate students submit the completed leave of absence form to the Student Services Center. Undergraduates who wish to withdraw from the current quarter, or from a quarter for which they have registered in advance and do not wish to attend, must file a Leave of Absence Petition with and receive approval from the office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, via the office of Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR), Sweet Hall. A voluntary leave of absence after the first 60 percent of the quarter (term withdrawal deadline) is only granted for approved health and emergency reasons. For more information on leaves of absence, undergraduates should see the "Leaves of Absence and Reinstatement (Undergraduate)" section of this bulletin, and graduate students should see the "Leaves of Absence (Graduate)" section of this bulletin.

Room and Meal Plan Refunds

Students assigned to a University residence are subject to the terms of the University Residence Agreement, and are required to live in University Housing for the full duration of their signed contract. The text of the University Residence Agreement is available at the Residence Agreement web site.

Room refunds are made only when students move out of the residence system and graduate from or cease to be enrolled at the University. Eligibility for refunds is listed in the Residence Agreement. Termination of Occupancy is filed in Axess. Filing a termination of occupancy form and moving out of Student Housing does not necessarily entitle a student to a refund. Students in greek letter houses are billed directly by the fraternity or sorority, and refunds are arranged between the student and the fraternity or sorority.

A meal plan refund is based on the date when a student moves out of University residence and is approved under conditions as specified in the Residence Agreement. If a student uses the meal plan after that date, an additional daily charge incurs.

Any decision to refund prepaid room and meal plan charges or to waive liability for deferred charges is made at the sole discretion of the University. Students with questions about refunds should contact Housing Assignments for room refunds or the central office of Stanford Dining for residential meal plan refunds.