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Haas Center for Public Service

Center Office: 562 Salvatierra Walk
Mail Code: 8620
Phone: (650) 723-0992
Web Site:

  • The Haas Center for Public Service engages Stanford students in local and global public service across diverse pathways: direct service, community engaged learning and research, activism, philanthropy, public policy, and social entrepreneurship. The Haas Center offers:
  • Walk-in advising on public service opportunities and careers.
  • Community engaged learning and research across disciplines.
  • Supported full-time, quarter-long service opportunities in the U.S. and abroad.
  • Tutoring and mentoring programs rooted in enduring partnerships and cutting-edge education research.
  • Leadership training, service trips, and support for more than 125 service-related student organizations.

The Haas Center is the hub for Cardinal Service, a university-wide initiative to elevate service at Stanford in four areas:

  • Cardinal Quarter: Students can select from more than 350 supported opportunities to participate full-time in service for a quarter or more. In the next five years, this will grow to 500 local, national and global opportunities.
  • Cardinal Courses: Students can participate in more than 70 courses across 25 academic disciplines that integrate a community experience, examine a public issue, and explore civic identities.
  • Cardinal Commitments: Students participate in and sustain a significant service experience to explore particular social issues or concerns.
  • Cardinal Careers: Students explore multiple public service career options and learn about ways to integrate service into any career.